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Payroll Bulletin Q3 2024

As your trusted payroll adviser, we have prepared a summary of key changes that will affect payrolls by jurisdiction.  ​The items noted are, in our opinion, key changes and should not be viewed as an exhaustive list.

Payroll Updates - Guernsey

A reminder to Islanders about one of the most recent Benefits in Kind offered on the island:

  • The States of Guernsey offer a 20% subsidy towards the purchase of an e-cycle with the bike retailers making up the remaining 5%.

  • Mileage paid for the usage of e-bikes is tax-free.

  • Anyone over the age of 14 is eligible to take part in the initiative.

The end of Q2 2024 marks the start of the secondary pension scheme in Guernsey for employers with 26+ employees. Employers with 11-25 employees will start in October 2024.

  • The legislation mandates a minimum total contribution rate, initially set at 2%.

  • Contributions are based on total earnings. Total earnings is defined as anything that attracts social security e.g. bonuses will be included*

  • Employees can choose to opt in or out of the scheme.

  • Employers must have a scheme in place, irrespective of employee participation.

  • The Revenue Service has confirmed that non-compliance penalties will not start until 2025. This does not mean you don’t need to comply, as your employees will still expect to be part of a scheme; it just means you won't be fined by the Revenue Service.

  • The new legislation requires a quarterly submission to the Revenue Service, including a pension return and economic statistics return.

* You should seek clarification from your pension provider about the treatment of gross pay that wouldn’t previously attract pension contributions. If you contribute more than the minimum total contribution % already (>2%), then you might already comply. 

If you would like to find out more about how Offshore can assist with pension set-up and administration, please contact

Payroll Updates - Jersey ​

Given the stable nature of Jersey payroll, there have been no key changes since those announced at the beginning of 2024. However, here are some key reminders and comments on the island's payroll outlook for information purposes.

  • The Jersey living wage is to overtake the minimum wage in 2025.

  • Currently, the minimum hourly rate is £11.64, but Jersey Gov predicts this will rise to £13.41 in 2025 (for over-18s) and again to £14 per hour in 2026.

On the back of a survey at the end of 2023, the government have made a few changes to their website:

  • All information related to ITIS, social contributions, BIK and other employer-focused information across the website has been consolidated into one area - Employers' tax information (  

  • Additional web content has also been added to help cover more of the queries being asked.

Payroll Updates - United Kingdom

As we move to Q2 of the UK tax year, the number of changes is significantly less than Q1. Below are some takeaways from the queries we have seen recently.

  • If you still file P11 D’s, these must be filed by 6th July. You will suffer a 5% penalty on the National Insurance due if you miss the deadline.

  • HMRC has announced that payrolling taxable benefits will be mandatory starting in April 2026.

HMRC is currently focusing on the off-payroll working rules, and we have seen an increasing number of queries on this topic. These rules ensure that a worker (sometimes known as a contractor) pays broadly the same Income Tax and National Insurance as an employee. The rules are known as ‘IR35’. 

The rules apply to:

  • A worker who provides their services through their own intermediary to a client

  • A client who receives services from a worker through their intermediary

  • An agency or other supplier providing workers’ services through their intermediary

Different rules apply to workers in small businesses and to those in mid- or large-sized businesses. The party responsible for applying the rules must determine whether the worker is employed for tax purposes. 

Payroll Updates - Isle of Man

Given the stable nature of the IOM payroll, there have been no key changes since those announced at the beginning of 2024.​

​If you want to discuss any upcoming changes outlined above, please get in touch with us at

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